Like many of you I too was interested in eternal questions...
...who are we, where do we come from, where are we going, how can we give meaning to our existence? I wanted to know how we cope with unfulfilled dreams, with fears, desires, pain. How to accept the fact that we are now so full of life, and yet, at any moment, we might die? I was wondering how to create a good life for myself.
I remember when I was 10, I stopped suddenly in the middle of a game, looked up at the sky and quietly asked someone up there: "Tell me, what is life, what is it all about“? This was the serious question of a child. I forgot it, but my soul did not. Although I didn't know it then, my inner journey had begun...
As a young woman I was attracted to civil society and alternative themes. I wanted to change the world.
I studied many theories but how to implement them in practice wasn't clear to me.
Today I know that with this descision my life, which had gone astray, had returned to the right path.
In England, far away from the expectations of my old environment, I became aware of my responsibility for my own life. I turned a new page. After returning home, I entered the business world and opened my first company – „GEA – Health Food“. My challenge was to connect business and profit with ethics and spirituality.
Following a period in consulting in the public and business sectors I returned to England. In Cambridge I trained as a Cross-sector Partnerhip Broker and then worked
for UN agencies as a consultant for corporate social responsibility.
Formal university education was not enough. To be happy in life I needed more...
But then came a time when books were no longer enough. I wanted to meet their authors personally and learn firsthand from those who, with their knowledge and courage, stepped off the usual paths.
Formal, university education was not enough. For happiness in life I needed more...
At one point, the books were no longer enough. I wanted personally to meet their authors and learn firsthand from those who, with their knowledge and courage, stepped outside of the usual paths.
I traveled around the world to meet them - spiritual teachers, successful business people, leaders, scientists, writers, innovators, artists, researchers.
Just as family and friends belong to my life story, all these encounters are woven into the texture of my biography. They have contributed to shaping the Ela I am today.
Ray Butler - a successful businessman and entrepreneur, pioneer of personal development, founder of The Penninghame Foundation. On his estate in Scotland, Ray leads deeply transforming courses of personal development and spiritual awakening (Penninghame Process 1,2,3). Currently Ray is involved in introducing mindfulness techniques to the business sector.
Dr. Don Beck - geopolitical advisor, lecturer, theoretician, creator of the Spiral Dynamics model (evolutionary model of human development), one of the leading world experts for social changes and value systems.
Neale Donald Walsch - a modern spiritual teacher, author of 29 books on spirituality (7 global bestseller). He is the best known for the series of books Conversations with God.
Lee Carroll - Kryon - An American lecturer, motivational speaker, author of 13 books that channel a spiritual entity called Kryon, who teaches humanity about the spiritual evolution of man, the planet Earth and the universe (translated into 24 languages). He channeled three books in which he first conveys information about Indigo Children. Edgar Mitchell - NASA astronaut, pilot Apollo 14, the sixth person to land on the moon. Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (California), an organization that deals with the research of consciousness, science and collective transformation of mankind.
Peter Russell – a physicist, futurist, author, teacher of modern spirituality. His main themes are the development of consciousness and the spiritual evolution of mankind. Peter is a pioneer of the human resources development and sustainable development in a business sector.
Sir George Trevelyan - charismatic visionary, pedagogue, lecturer, humanist. He planted the seed of a new global spiritual movement and was called 'a grandfather of the New Age movement'.
In 1971 he founded the Wrekin Trust, an educational institution dealing with the spiritual nature of man and the universe, which in 1982 received the Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize) in Stockholm Ervin Laszlo - the Hungarian philosopher of science, pianist, author (54 books), expert in system theory, integral theory and the theory of quantum consciousness.
http://www.ervinlaszlo.comFounder and President of The Club of Budapest.
Carl Wolmar Jakob Baron von Uexküll - a writer, lecturer, philanthropist, activist, former politician (a member of the European Parliament and the German Green Party). In 1980 he founded the Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize, Sweden), and in 2006 he participated in the establishment of the World Future Council.
Van Jones - a reporter, CNN commentator, attorney, author of 2 New York Times bestsellers, an activist, advisor to Barack Obama. In 2009, Time Magazine was proclaimed one of the hundred most influential people in the world.
One of the main teachers in One World Academy, India.
John L. Petersen - one of the most respected futurists of today. He is the author of award-winning books and appreciated speaker. President and Founder of The Arlington Institute (USA) – research institute that specializes in thinking about global futures and acting as agents of positive change by creating intellectual frameworks & tool-sets for understanding the transition in which we are living.
http://www.arlingtoninstitute.orgFrances Edmunds - a distinguished British educator, anthroposophist, the founder of the International College for Adults (Emerson College).
Fred Alan Wolf - American physicist, writer, lecturer. He is an expert in quantum physics and the development of consciousness. The author of many books on this topic (the most famous "Taking the Quantum Leap").
Promotes science on a Discovery Channel.
http://www.fredalanwolf.comDeepak Chopra - a physician, promoter of alternative medicine, author of many bestseller on holistic health and personal development, one of the most prominent representatives of New Age.
Marie Butler - a pioneer of macrobiotics, personal development and healthy lifestyles, educator, counselor, owner of a macrobiotic restaurant and online business Happy M Kitchen in Sweden.
Lynne Mctaggart – bestselling author, lecturer, researcher. Her topics are in the field of the science (quantum physics), spirituality and health. Lynne is well known by her project Intention Experiment and the book The Field.
Ros Tennyson - social innovator, partnership broker, mentor and trainer focused on social change and community development issues in the UK and globaly.
Co-founder of Trigonos (residential educational center – spiritual retreat, art, relaxation). One of the directors of Partnership Brokers Association.
http://www.trigonos.orgRos is one of the creators of the cross-sector partnership concept (model of cooperation between business, government and non-governmental sector). Co-Founder of Postdoctoral Cross-sector Partnership training at the University of Cambridge.
Sri Bhagavan & Amma - spiritual teachers, founders of Oneness University, a school for spiritual awakening and development in the south of India.
Bruce Lipton - biologist, researcher and author who studies the influence of the human mind on genetics. His most famous book is "The Biology of Belief".
Andrew Cohen - a spiritual teacher and author. Founder of the award-winning magazine and portal EnlightenNext, where, in a dialogue with the most prominent world leaders and teachers, Andrew explored the most important spiritual issues of our time.
Dr. Raymond Moody - philosopher, psychologist, physician, researcher and author. Pioneer in exploring the phenomena of life after death and near-death experiences. He is the author of many books about this phenomenon (the bestseller is Life after Life).
Adam Bittleston - author of several books, erudite, theologian, spiritual counselor, expert in English and Old Languages, The Bible, history, religion and Shakespeare. An ordained priest of the Christian Community, a movement for the religious renewal founded in 1922 with the help of Rudolf Steiner (philosopher and founder of Anthroposophy).
Lindagail Campbell - business woman, Master NLP Coach, consultant, mentor, coach, storyteller.
Founder of NLP Institute in Oregon.
Brooke Medicine Eagle - a psychologist, author, singer / songwriter and teacher, specializing in the interpretation of American Indians religion. Her ancestors come from six Indian tribes. Brooke's main interest is the place of women within the modern American Indian culture.
The Roanoke Comp - Stella Bergan, David Oak, Rob Caughlan. An exceptionally creative marketing/communication/advertising experts (with fascinating references) from Silicon Valley.
Lynne Twist - a visionary in the fight against global poverty, a philanthropist, the author of the success story The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life.
Mairead Maguire - a peace activist from Northern Ireland. One of the founders of The Peace People, a peace-building organization in Northern Ireland. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate in 1976.
Muhammad Yunus - an entrepreneur, innovator, founder of social business and microcredit, founder of Grameen Bank (Bangladesh). In 2006 he received the Nobel Peace Prize.
John Bird - a social entrepreneur and homelessness campaigner, fighting poverty in the UK. The founder of the The Big Issue magazine, sold by homeless people who are given the opportunity to earn a legitimate income and integrate into mainstream society.
Purnima - a member of the educational organization One World Academy, a spiritual guide and program leader for spiritual awakening for individuals and groups, in India and around the world.
Dennis Weaver - a Hollywood television and movie actor (best known as Sheriff McCloud), a naval pilot, a humanitarian, promotor of environmental issues.
Sri Chinmoy - a spiritual teacher, author, artist, musician.
Amma (The Mother) - spiritual teacher, humanitarian, visionary. Among other things, she is known to have been hugging all the people who come to listen to her.
Luisah Teish - spiritual teacher, author, teacher of rituals, chieftain and priestes of African Yoruba religion.
Duane Elgin - author, speaker, educator, consultant and activist with an interest in the modern role and responsibility of the media. He deals with the evolution of human culture and consciousness.
The magazine Ecologist declared him one of the 10 leading visionaries "with great ideas for a better world".
Many of my questions about human existence were answered in a three year study of Biography Work in England.
Today, I am more able to accept and love myself and live in harmony with the world at the same time.
My inner journey began many years ago with the child's question: "Tell me what is life, what is it all about?" Step by step I built the path which has taken me to being a Biography Coach. Enabling others to read, understand and accept their own biography is now essential to my life purpose.